Scientists have reconstructed the face of an ancient ape species called Pierolapithecus catalaunicus, part of human and great ...
Even our early human ancestors couldn’t resist the crystal-blue waters of the Great Lakes. A new study found that the Great ...
Half a million years ago or more, early human ancestors hunted horses with wooden spears, the very first weapons, and used their bones for early tools. During the late Paleolithic era, as far back ...
In a discovery that challenges our understanding of human history, scientists have successfully decoded the oldest DNA ever ...
Discover how we inherit genetic memories from our ancestors through DNA passed on to future generations, as seen in trauma ...
Early human ancestors found psilocybin mushrooms by following herds of hoofed animals, as mushrooms thrive in the dung of these creatures According to the study, psilocybin triggers a range of ...
Since their invention in the 1920s, jungle gyms and monkey bars have become both fixtures of playgrounds and symbols of childhood injury that anxious caretakers want removed. Anthropologists mark 100 ...
M embers of the San and Khoe Indigenous populations of southern Africa can still trace much of their genetic ancestry back to ...
Knees change and adapt in response to their use, or lack thereof. A global increase in nutrition causing humans to be taller ...
Following someone’s gaze may seem like a simple act, but it has profound implications for the evolution of intelligence. And ...
Advertisement Article continues below this ad Half a million years ago or more, early human ancestors hunted horses with wooden spears, the very first weapons, and used their bones for early tools.