To keep your thoughts in order and your mind structured, you could use a cup of tea and some solitude today. Meditate, give yourself time for silence, ... Sagittarius - traits, personality, dates, ...
With the Moon at the last degree of Gemini, you are quick to speak your mind in the morning, and you could gather a lot more information ... Leo - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and ...
Male pandas are known to be more aggressive than female ones. You arent exactly expecting something to become what it is becoming today, but you cannot affect ... Pisces - traits, personality, dates, ...
You feel the tension of fiery energies surrounding you, energies that arent as controlled as they seem to be, when really all you want to do is ... Capricorn - traits, personality, dates, ...
You are not exactly emotional and focused on your inner world today, and your accumulated issues are finally rising to the surface, after a long time of ... Virgo - traits, personality, dates, ...
Theres a lot to be grateful for. Good friends could give you a helping hand, shed some light on matters you dont understand, and provide you with ... Scorpio - traits, personality, dates, ...
You are having a hard time accepting certain things in people around you and you are wondering if you should change scenery and change circumstances that come ... You are losing bits and pieces of ...
Some situations and people didnt have to leave your world to become a positive influence. Before idealizing what is gone, think about distances that dont make you ... Taurus - traits, personality, ...
The creator of Yoda never expected him to become popular. The situation escalated and ended up changing rather quickly, leading you to this point in time where ... Aquarius - traits, personality, ...
You wish to prove a point or create some important changes in your social circles and so-called opportunities that cut you off from your natural pace and ... Libra - traits, personality, dates, ...
You would like to use someones feedback and clear the air but things are simply not moving, and the response is lacking, as if the situation would ... Gemini - traits, personality, dates, ...
You havent been honest about your feelings or about something that your heart has been pulling you through even though you didnt want to deal with it. ... Aries - traits, personality, dates, ...