This, I believe, is why God created Satan and allowed the Devil to tempt man. Satan makes the choice more appealing. He came to Eve and made the Tree much more interesting. “Thou shalt not die! You ...
A new survey shows that pastors command a high level of trust among their followers. That comes with a lot of responsibility.
God makes the first move in people s lives with benevolent acts of grace, but why hasn t your neighbor or brother, or friend ...
The greatest title and attribute that is reserved only for the God of the Bible is Omnipotent, which means He has unlimited ...
The Bible teaches that God does not change. Read ten verses that emphasize the immutability of our Father in heaven “with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” ...
There is only one Creator, only one worthy of adoration and worship, only one whose name will be proclaimed throughout ...
Be that sin-bearing servant who refuses to give God peace until he establishes his righteousness in the earth. Isaiah says: ...
As we take responsibility for our actions, we can turn mistakes into opportunities for spiritual growth and transformation.
What is it that enchants me in the music of Bach and Arvo Pärt? The fact that a German Luther composer and an Estonian ...
"Rural life itself is very Catholic because it's very much about community," Osman stated. Most people who live in rural ...
It is a Sunday morning, and my heart is heavy. I am on my way to praise God, but something feels off. My mind drifts, not to ...
The Pinson Hospital Hospitality House — which provides rooms for $35 a night — has served more than 22,000 families since it opened in Nashville 50 years ago.