This is a lot more difficult to achieve with the nucleus itself, however ... They did this by creating a frequency comb of infrared wavelengths, and running it through xenon gas, which interacts with ...
This is a lot more difficult to achieve with the nucleus itself, however, since it takes a lot more energy to shift its energy state than it does to change the energy state of electrons.
Atomic clocks are considered to be the most accurate timekeeping instruments available today. But now a new technology has been developed that promises even greater accuracy: Atomic clocks could be a ...
If a dark matter particle smacks into a xenon nucleus, it should give off a tiny flash of light. Our detector has 494 light sensors to detect these flashes. Scientists complete building the sensor ...
The hope is for a WIMP to knock into a xenon nucleus, causing it to move, much like a hit from a cue ball in a game of pool. By collecting the light and electrons emitted during interactions, LZ ...
If a dark matter particle smacks into a xenon nucleus, it should give off a tiny flash of light. Our detector has 494 light sensors to detect these flashes. Scientists complete building the sensor ...