Regardless of the reasoning, after an extended test drive in early November, we traded our 20 year old VW Jetta in for a 2016 ...
Over 52 weeks I’ve worked out about 85 times; I missed some workouts due to travel, or illness, or holidays. But when I’ve been able to workout, I’ve gone, consistently. And somewhere in there it ...
Vance Bridges died last week, and we are all the worse for that as well. Not only was Vance a dedicated member of the co-op movement, he was, as his obituary related, an "ultimate community activist," ...
The last major upgrade was in May 2014 when I upgraded from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7. Longtime readers will recall that it was in ...
Lisa says there’s been something different about the clouds this summer, something more dramatic. Or maybe we’re just paying more attention? But last night, over Charlottetown Harbour, there was drama ...
In highschool, I wrote a recursive mail rule that sent a friend of mine millions of messages as a joke. I (accidentally!) repeatedly crashed the school’s mail server. The adults in my life were ...
This morning we woke up at the shore with four teenagers expecting pancakes for breakfast, and no eggs in the pantry. At Lisa’s suggestion I texted our neighbour to see if he might have a few, and he ...
Want to get in touch? Go here. I am a curious person with a thirst for mashing, remixing, extending, experimenting and pushing new envelopes. I’m a blogger, an occasional podcaster and video producer, ...
I solved a mystery recently, an Icelandic folk mystery. Every time I plug my iPhone into any car other than my own car, Icelandic folk music stars playing. Specifically, the song Á Ferð Til ...
Here’s how you can contact me. I prefer email.