Austrians will be voting for a new parliament on September 29 - and thus setting a new course not only in the "analog" world.
Long underestimated, but obvious at the latest since the social media boom: words can also kill. Linz's Theater Phönix ...
The Tyrolean Horse Breeding Association and the Tyrolean Chamber of Agriculture are currently confronted with some massive ...
Current figures are adding fuel to coalition speculation - a black-red government is becoming more realistic again. Is the ...
According to Palestinian reports, many people were killed in an Israeli attack on a former school building in the city of ...
What is going on within the Tyrolean Horse Breeding Association is not without its problems. The harsh accusations from ...
Two huge fireballs in the form of burning cars claimed the fire department in St. Pölten during the floods. Investigations ...
In Ausnahmesituationen ist in Blaulichtorganisationen eine klare Kommunikation das Um und Auf. Deshalb hat ...
Lange unterschätzt, spätestens seit dem Social-Media-Boom aber offensichtlich: Auch Worte können töten. Das Linzer Theater ...
MotoGP-Weltmeister Francesco Bagnaia hat seinen Rückstand auf WM-Leader Jorgen Martin vor dem Grand Prix der Emilia-Romagna ...
Es sollte eine schöne Wanderung in Südtirol werden, doch eine Kärntnerin fand dabei den Tod, ihre Kollegen mussten von der ...
It was supposed to be a beautiful hike in South Tyrol, but a Carinthian woman died and her colleagues had to be cared for by ...