House Vice-chair Tibor Gaspar (Smer-SD) announced changes to the consolidation package of measures, a recalibration "to the benefit of the people", thus confirming that he is going to attach an ...
MP Rudolf Huliak (SNS) should be ousted from the post of House Agriculture and Environment Committee chair over his unacceptable and vulgar statements and opposition's Progressive Slovakia (PS) will ...
Restaurants and accommodation services will fall under the 5-percent VAT tax category, Minister of Tourism and Sports Dusan Keketi (SNS nominee) announced at a press conference attended by SNS leader ...
By setting brakes on the growth of health personnel's salaries, as part of its public finances consolidation, the Government has endangered the health care in Slovakia and Health Minister Zuzana ...
Foreign Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) intends to discuss the recent Belgian court ruling in the case of the death of Slovak national Jozef Chovanec in Belgium in 2018 with his Belgian ...
Foreign Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) on Wednesday held bilateral talks with his counterparts from Algeria, Jordan, Malaysia and Uzbekistan on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New ...
Bratislava, September 26 (TASR) - MP Martina Holeckova (independent) proposed to cut VAT tax on menstrual products to 5 percent, as menstrual poverty impacts particularly single mothers, TASR learnt ...
New York, September 26 (TASR-correspondent) - The UN Security Council is weakened by internal conflicts, frequent vetoes of important resolutions and the failure to address violations of international ...
Miami 27. septembra (TASR) - Hurikán Helene vo štvrtok večer zosilnel na mimoriadne nebezpečnú búrku 4. kategórie a pokračoval v pohybe smerom k pevnine na pobreží Floridy, uviedli podľa agentúry AFP ...
Madrid 26. septembra (TASR) - Futbalisti Atletica Madrid zvíťazili vo štvrtkovom zápase 7. kola španielskej La Ligy na ihrisku Celty Vigo 1:0. O ich triumfe rozhodol v 90. minúte Julian Alvarez. Vill ...
Bratislava 26. septembra (TASR) - Futbalistom Fenerbahce Istanbul sa vydaril vstup do ligovej fázy Európskej ligy 2024/2025. Vo štvrtkovom zápase 1. kola zvíťazili na domácom ihrisku nad belgickým Roy ...
Bratislava 26. septembra (TASR) - Futbalistom Fenerbahce Istanbul sa vydaril vstup do ligovej fázy Európskej ligy 2024/2025. Vo štvrtkovom zápase 1. kola zvíťazili na domácom ihrisku nad belgickým Roy ...