‘We now feel in constellations, rather than single stars.’ This is a quote from Iryna Starovoyt, Associate Professor, Ukrainian Catholic University and a Research Fellow at University of Oxford, ...
The Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) was developed to describe the knowledge, behaviours and attributes of successful researchers and to enable the development of associated professional ...
Does 3MT have an impact on career outcome - Max Misu Multimedia content.pptx — 1289 KB ...
Universities rely on their researchers to build strong, impactful research profiles and capabilities. As a result, most universities invest significant resources into researcher development programmes ...
Audience policy makers, research funders, senior staff, senior research managers, staff supporting researchers, practitioners, budget holders, trainers, career specialists, supervisors, principal ...
We're getting very excited for the start of our annual conference - the Vitae International Researcher Development Conference (#VitaeCon2024). The online element starts tomorrow, Tuesday 3 September ...
An effective CV presents you as an ideal job candidate and secures you an interview. To convince the employer that you have the right experience, skills and attributes, you need to tailor your CV to ...
Vitae briefings on using the RDF covering a variety of perspectives. We have developed a series of lenses on the RDF in conjunction with expert partner organisations. Latest: Knowledge exchange lens ...
One way of understanding these areas is provided by John Adair's three-circle model which identifies the following key areas of responsibility for the leader. An important aspect of being a PI is ...
There will usually be a bit more work to do after the viva. Each institution will have its own regulations about viva outcomes and how to inform the candidate of them. Find out before you go into your ...